Having not gotten to bed until about 3 last night, I planned to stay in today to clean up my notes, do some writing, and just relax. By early afternoon, though, I found myself antsy, so I went for an aimless walk as a flaneur through Paris. Ended up at the Monde Arabe, the museum of the Arab world. The building itself is fascinating: a series of irises that mechanically open and close to let in light. Here's a picture of the outside of the building as one enters:
There's currently an exhibition on Napoleon's Egyptian campaign. I wasn't really in a museum mood, but I'll head back there in a few days. After having some sweet Turkish tea in the tea room, I headed through the Musee de Plein Aire--a sculpture garden that runs down along the Seine. Eventually ended up in the Jardin des Plantes, Paris' botanical garden. I came across a picture of a mandrake root as a female figure (above), which really brings to light John Donne's poems "Go and Catch a Falling Star":
Go and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the Devil's foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids singing....
At any rate, it was quite a large garden, with a zoo and several museums attached, as well as a fascinating collection of trees. The historic ones had labels, noting when they'd been planted--the earliest I noticed was 1782. On the final walk home I noticed the ornate door above. That's it for now...ciao.