Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 3

I know it will sound funny to those back home, but this is hard work. I've been through two lines completely now and am refining my method. There are a number of stops that I don't need to see, as I've explored them thoroughly in the past. I've also found that it sometimes is quicker to take a bus from location to location. The bus lines often parallel the  metro lines, so they can be quicker to a site I want to see--and also give a break from climbing up and down the stairs of the Metro.

I've found some pretty interesting places, but one of my favorites was at the end of line 1. Chateau Vincennes--and the town of Vincennes--were unexpectedly fun and quaint. The town is just outside of Paris, on the edge of the Bois Vincenees, a huge wooded park. At the top of the blog is the Chateau, and here's the chapel: 

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